1976-1979 Pontiac Models Chassis Body Parts Book Catalog. Original.
This contains the Parts Text ONLY, it has NO Illustrations.
1976 Models: LeMans, Grand LeMans, LeMans Sport Coupe, Safari, Catalina, Grand Safari, Bonneville, Bonneville Brougham, Firebird (Standard), Firebird Esprit, Firebird Formula, Firebird Trans Am, Grand Prix, Astre, Sunbird, Astre Custom, Ventura, Ventura SJ.
1977 Models: LeMans, Grand LeMans, LeMans Sport Coupe, Catalina, Bonneville, Bonneville Brougham, Firebird (Standard), Firebird Esprit, Firebird Formula, Firebird Trans Am, Grand Prix, Astre, Sunbird, Ventura, Ventura SJ, Phoenix.
1978 Models: LeMans (Safari), Grand LeMans (Safari), Catalina (Safari), Bonneville (Safari), Bonneville Brougham, Firebird, Grand Prix, Grand Prix SJ, Grand Prix LJ, Sunbird (Safari), Phoenix, Phoenix LJ, Phoenix SJ.
1979 Models: LeMans (Safari), Grand LeMans (Safari), Catalina (Safari), Bonneville (Safari), Bonneville Brougham, Firebird, Grand Prix, Grand Prix SJ, Grand Prix LJ, Sunbird (Safari), Phoenix, Phoenix LJ, Phoenix SJ.
The Parts Catalog has been compiled for the purpose of locating, identifying, and ordering replacement parts.
General Information
Alphabetical Index
Engine - Clutch
Cooling - Grille - Oil System
Chassis Wiring - Lamps
Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion
Transmission - Brakes
Brakes - Rear Axle - Propeller Shaft - Wheels
Front Suspension - Steering
Frame - Springs - Shocks - Bumpers
Front End Sheet Metal - Heater
Body Mounting - Air Conditioning - Instrument Cluster
Doors - Regulators - Windshield - Wiper - Washer
Rear Glass - Seat Parts - Adjuster
Body Moldings - Sheet Metal
Body Wiring - Vinyl Top Trim
Interior Trim - Seat Belts
Rear Seat Trim - Carpets - Yardage
Condition: Parts Books are used in Dealership Shops, Independent Garages and in Fleet Environments and thus can reflect such use, most often showing extensive signs of soiling, age, and wear. The information within is still legible and can give valuable insight. The images shown are representative of what is shipped. An informative piece that will be a great and useful addition to the Pontiac Owner or Collector.
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