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1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Oldsmobile Parts Manuals CD

Price $59.99 $47.99 Details W: 5.625 x H: 4.875 x D: 0.1 Weight 0.12 lbs. Page Count Condition New - Reproduction Item Type Factory Manual Inventory Number PB-21497 OEM Number DCDGM-150 In Stock
Flat US shipping rate: $5.95
Flat International shipping rate: $22.00


Models Included:


This 1968-1975 GM Licensed CD provides the most comprehensive set of digital Factory OEM shop manuals for the classic models associated with the referenced year and make(s). When it comes to servicing, repairing or restoring your classic vehicle, you will absolutely love the ability to search through the OEM manuals to find what you are looking for and also print whatever you want. The factory manuals on this CD were professionally scanned from the original service manuals published by the car maker. 1965-1975 Oldsmobile Chassis and Body Parts Text Catalog (Models Thru 1975). 1965-1975 Oldsmobile Parts Illustration Catalog (Models Thru 1975).

We provide manuals on CD which will work on both PC and MAC operating systems. Our licensed CD provides factory service and electrical manuals on CD. We provide a scanned copy of the original factory manuals in an easy to use CD format. From the CD you can print the section you need, use it and file it for future reference.

Our digital / CD products are PDF based so the manuals are searchable. Simply place the CD in your computer and the program will come up allowing you to choose the manual you want to preview. Each product targeted for a year and make include an entire set of service manuals for your car or.

The digital / CDs will run on Microsoft PCs and MAC systems.

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